Dog Training
At Sand Road Pet Resort, our team is proud to be able to provide a variety of puppy and adult training classes for your best friend!
All classes are taught by our dedicated professional dog trainer, Stacielyn Rydingsward. To learn more about start times for our classes and to get signed up, please contact Stacie at [email protected] or call 860-806-9920.
Puppy Kindergarten
This class is for puppies aged 10 weeks to 5 ½ months.
This is a beginning level class designed for new puppy owners who want to teach their puppy household manners and learn more about canine behavior. Our professional dog trainer, Stacie Rydingsward, teaches positive reinforcement techniques and uses a clicker and whistle. Stacie builds puppy socialization time into our classes so that they can learn how to interact with other dogs. Stacie also participates in the AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Program.
Class Duration: 6 Weeks
Cost: $220 per dog
Prerequisite: Age-appropriate vaccinations
What You Will Need for Class:
- A treat pouch or suitable bag for holding treats
- Basic collar or harness (no corrective collars)
- 6-foot leash (no retractable leashes)
- High value treats
- Towel or blanket
- Whistle
- A Positive Attitude!
Intermediate Class 1
This clinic is for puppies and dogs aged 5 ½ months or older that have taken a 6-week basic obedience class. We will be concentrating on sits, stays, leash walking, leave its, and recalls.
Class Duration: 6 Weeks
Cost: $220
Prerequisite: Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella, and Negative Fecal
What You Will Need for Class:
- A treat pouch or suitable bag for holding treats
- Basic collar or harness (no corrective collars)
- 6-foot leash (no retractable leashes)
- High value treats
- Towel or blanket
- Whistle
- A Positive Attitude
Loose Leash Walking Tune-up
This clinic is for dogs that need a “tune-up” on loose leash walking and reactiveness. Your dog should have been in a 6-week obedience program and has some training on loose leash walking. Your dog should be 8 months or older. This class will be outside (weather permitting) and we will be concentrating on leave its, loose leash walking, and some reactiveness.
Class Duration: 7 Weeks
Cost: $220
Prerequisite: Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella, and Negative fecal
What You Will Need for Class:
- A treat pouch or suitable bag for holding treats
- 6-foot leash (no retractable leashes)
- High value treats
- Whistle
- A Positive Attitude!
Board & Train
Basic Obedient 6-week program $6,500
This six-week basic obedient program is based on positive reinforcement. The term “clicker training” is the term commonly used for a training method (Positive Reinforcement) based on what we know about how living organisms learn.
Research has shown that any creature is more likely to learn and repeat actions that result in consequences it desires or enjoys. So, trainers who use positive reinforcement provide consequences desired by their animal in exchange for actions or behaviors desired by their trainers.
We call these consequences “rewards” and the process is called “reinforcement”. Clicker training, therefore, is a positive reinforcement/reward bases system of training. For questions about our Board and Train program, please contact us at [email protected].